
  • Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA), Harvard Business School
  • B.Sc (Hons), Computer Science and Mathematics, University of Toronto at Scarborough

Selected Publications

  • Fernandez-Mateo, I., Rubineau, B., & Kuppuswamy, V. (2022). Reject and resubmit: A formal analysis of gender differences in reapplication and their contribution to women's presence in talent pipelines. Organization Science (forthcoming)
  • Aguilera, R.V., Kuppuswamy, V., & Anand, R. (2021). What happened when India mandated gender diversity on boards? Harvard Business Review. Available at
  • Kuppuswamy, V., & Younkin, P. (2020). Testing the theory of consumer discrimination as an explanation for the lack of minority hiring in Hollywood films. Management Science66(3), 1227-1247.
  • Younkin, P., & Kuppuswamy, V. (2019). Discounted: The effect of founder race on the price of new products. Journal of Business Venturing34(2), 389-412.
  • Younkin, P., & Kuppuswamy, V. (2018). The colorblind crowd? Founder race and performance in crowdfunding. Management Science64(7), 3269-3287.
  • Clark, J. R., Kuppuswamy, V., & Staats, B. R. (2018). Goal relatedness and learning: Evidence from hospitals. Organization Science29(1), 100-117.
  • Kuppuswamy, V., & Bayus, B. (2017). Does my contribution matter? An analysis of the kickstarter crowdfunding community. Journal of Business Venturing32(1), 72-89.
  • Kuppuswamy, V., & Villalonga, B. (2016). Does diversification create value in the presence of external financing constraints? Evidence from the 2007–2009 financial crisis. Management Science62(4), 905-923.

Selected Presentations

  • “Gender Quotas Enter Emerging Market Boardrooms: Evidence of Substantive Progress or Pink-Washing?” Presented at the Krannert School of Management (Strategy Proseminar Series), Purdue University (October 2021)
  • “Racial Biases and the Dynamics of Crowdfunding” Presented at the Academy of Management Conference (August 2021)
  • “Is the Crowd Colorblind? Founder Race and Performance in Crowdfunding.” Presented at the Foster School of Business (Management & Organization Area), University of Washington (November 2020)
  • “Is the Crowd Colorblind? Founder Race and Performance in Crowdfunding.” Presented at the Bradford-Osborne Award Seminar at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington (October 2020)

Research & Teaching Interests

Kuppuswamy's research interests fall into 2 broad domains: (i) the biases and forms of discrimination confronting minority entrepreneurs, particularly on crowd-based platforms like crowdfunding (ii) the performance consequences of corporate diversification decisions. His teaching interests focus on entrepreneurship and innovation, particularly in dynamic contexts such as the media and entertainment industries.

Industry & Academic Experience

Prior to joining Northeastern University in 2018, Kuppuswamy was a part of the faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 2011. He serves as an academic advisory board member of NCGrowth, a rural economic development initiative by the Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise. Since 2015, Kuppuswamy has been significantly involved with efforts to develop customized 3D-printed surgical implants for low-income patients in India. He also the director of an economic consulting firm that provides companies data-driven insight into strategies surrounding gender and racial diversity in the workplace.

Services to the Profession

Reviewer for Strategic Management JournalManagement ScienceOrganization ScienceJournal of Business VenturingJournal of Banking and FinanceStrategic Entrepreneurship JournalManufacturing and Service Operations Management, the National Science Foundation, and the Israel Science Foundation.