Healthcare faces complex challenges as care becomes more patient-centered, health technology advances, and the health regulatory landscape continues to evolve. But those challenges create meaningful opportunities for those with the right blend of health, management, and business skills—which is why healthcare management is one of the fastest growing job markets in the country.

Choosing our Business Management for Healthcare concentration as part of your MBA degree can help you build a more powerful, varied, and flexible skill set than you can achieve in a typical master's program in health policy or administration. You'll learn the nuances and intricacies of the healthcare system—but you'll also develop core business and management competencies that prepare you to lead in a time of rapid transformation in care delivery. You'll learn from faculty recognized for their research on the quality, efficiency, and accessibility of healthcare—and, in our Full-Time MBA program, bolster that learning with paid real-world experience in world-class Boston health facilities.

You'll take required courses that offer an in-depth look at the American healthcare system, health care process improvement, and innovation, and strategic healthcare management issues, complementing them with electives in areas suited to your specific path, such as healthcare informatics, supply chain, or finance courses. This essential focus on rapidly changing areas of the healthcare system can propel you in your career, whether your ambition is to grow into a leadership role, take on more management responsibility, become a better health professional, or switch into a new healthcare sector—giving you the power to make an even bigger difference for patients.

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